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Release Notes

Release planned for 7 January 2024. This release contains:

  • Addition of a ‘Support’ permission for roles/users in Administration

  • Security enhancements

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Updates to Validation documentation

New Features and Enhancements

7828: Addition of a new ‘Support’ permission for roles / users under Administration

Change Description: Addition of a new ‘Support’ permission for roles / users under Administration. The Support menu will now only be visible to users with that permission enabled. This permission is enabled by default.

Impacted Areas: Product Support

Regression Areas: User Permissions

Impact on Configurations: Yes

List of Fixes

7707: Confirmation emails were not sending when an admin activates a user account

Reported Issue: Confirmation emails were not sending when an admin activates a user account

Solution: Confirmation emails are now sending when an admin activates a user account

Impacted Areas: User Account Activation

Regression Areas: User Confirmation email when creating a new user from application and SSO

Impact on Configurations: None

7789: 500 Error when clicking on previously used email account confirmation link

Reported Issue: Users were redirected to a 500 error page when clicking on a previously used email account confirmation link

Solution: Users are now redirected to the login page when clicking on a previously used email account confirmation link

Impacted Areas: User Confirmation email when creating a new user from application and SSO

Regression Areas: Forget Password / Reset Password link in the email

Impact on Configurations: None

7858: Target substance name was not showing in SMS field

Reported Issue: Target substance name was not showing in SMS field after being manually matched for certain substances

Solution: Target substance name is now showing

Impacted Areas: Substances Manual Mapping

Regression Areas: Organisation and Referentials Manual Mapping

Impact on Configurations: None

7888: Resolution Status hidden from view

Reported Issue: Resolution Status drop down was hidden by the footer, and all Resolution Statuses were not being displayed properly

Solution: Resolution Status is no longer hidden or obstructed

Impacted Areas: All Mapping Pages

Regression Areas: All Mapping Pages

Impact on Configurations: None

7933: Active / Inactive status now listed for Target Organisations

Reported Issue: Active / Inactive status not listed for Target Organisation

Solution: Active / Inactive status now listed for Target Organisations and each respective location

Impacted Areas: Target Organisation

Regression Areas: Target Referentials and Target Substances

Impact on Configurations: None

8321: API allowing data with the same ID to be added multiple times

Reported Issue: API was allowing data with the same ID to be added multiple times

Solution: API now returns duplicate ID error when data with the same ID is added multiple times

Impacted Areas: Source Terms API

Regression Areas: Source Organisation and Source Substances

Impact on Configurations: None

8422: Adding Governance Stage Filter to Substance Source List Terms API Query Causes Internal Error

Reported Issue: Adding Governance Stage Filter to Substance Source List Terms API Query Causes Internal Error

Solution: Adding Governance Stage Filter to Substance Source List Terms API Query doesn’t show any Internal Error now

Impacted Areas: Substance Source List Terms API

Regression Areas: Source Organisation Lists API, Source Referentials Lists API

Impact on Configurations: None

8515: RMS Term Description limit was being cut off after 500 characters

Reported Issue: RMS Term Description limit was being cut off after 500 characters

Solution: RMS Term Description limit has been increased

Impacted Areas: RMS Terms Detail Page

Regression Areas: RMS Terms History Page, RMS Terms History Page Export

Impact on Configurations: None

8594: Intermittent Loading of Veeva Sync Configuration Tab

Reported Issue: Data does not display in the drop downs in the Veeva Sync Configuration tab

Solution: Data in the Resolution Status fields and in the drop downs are now visible in the Veeva Sync Configuration tab

Impacted Areas: Veeva Sync Configuration Tab

Regression Areas: Mapping Configuration, Scheduled Sync, Job Log Tabs

Impact on Configurations: None

Version 23.1.1

Release planned for the 7th July 2023. This release contains:

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements


Release planned for the 6th May 2023. This release contains:

  • Veeva Integration enhancements

    • MEDRA Data synchronization

    • Veeva Query Language (VQL) filter expressions

    • Status attribute synchronization

  • SPOR guidance documentation

    • Access Referentials list documentation.

    • Subscribe notifications for all documentation (general and technical guidance) update events.

  • Security updates

Version 22.4

Release planned for the 10th December 2022. This release contains:

  • Single Sign On with*

    • Azure Active Directory

    • Okta

    • OneLogin

    • ForgeRock

  • Integration of email verification code for e-signatures when approving data governance records

  • Validation stage and documentation available for customers subscribed to validation tenant.

  • Bug fixes

*Feature is only available for Enterprise edition

Version 22.3.1

Release planned for the 22th October 2022. This release contains:

Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Version 22.3

Release planned for the 1th October 2022. This release contains:

  • Substances

    • Performance Improvements

  • Referentials

    • Referentials History Comparison Page

      • Compares current and previous version of RMS records*

    • RMS Change Request (Read Only)

      • Synchronisation of previously submitted change requests

    • Enhanced Export

  • Organisations

    • OMS Change Requests

      • Synchronisation of previously submitted change requests

  • Administration

    • Security

      • Session Idle Timeouts

      • Password History

      • Password Expiry

    • Authentication Logs

  • Other Enhancements

    • Target activity search enhancement (includes historical versions)

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Database Enhancements

    • Security Patching

*Full data history is not available from SPOR. SPORIFY will archive all available versions while synchronising for comparison purposes.

Version 22.2

Released on the 3rd July 2022, this release contains:

  • Substance Target Added

    • SPOR SMS Integration (via csv)

  • Veeva Integration

    • Job Log detail improvements

  • General

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Security Patching

Version 22.1.2

Released on the 22nd May 2022, this release contains:

  • Veeva Integration

    • Synchronsation Update

  • Data Governance

    • Bug fix

  • Change log

    • Bug fix

  • EU-SRS

    • Bug fix

Version 22.1.1

Released on the 8th May 2022, this release contains:

  • EU-SRS

    • Added Product Count Release

  • Notificatons

    • Bug fixes

  • Change log

    • Performance improvements

  • Veeva Integration

    • Performance improvements

    • Configuration updates

  • General

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Database Enhancements

    • Security Patching

Version 22.1

Released on the 3rd April 2022, this release contains:

  • Notificatons

    • Mapped Target Status Change

    • Auto Resolution Status change

    • Data Governance

      • Record(s) Ready to Review

      • Record(s) Ready to Approve

      • Record(s) Ready to Review again (on rejection)

  • Adminstrator Settings

    • Change Logs

    • Change Reasons (e-signature)

    • Match Settings

      • Auto Apply Resolution Status

    • Data Governance

      • Settings

      • Data Governance Status

    • Integrations

      • Veeva Vault

    • Organisation Units

  • Data Governance

    • Substances

    • Organisations

    • Referntials

  • Veeva Integration

    • Connect

    • Mapping Configuration

    • Sync Configuration

    • Manual Sync

    • Scheduled Sync

    • Job Log

  • Referential Excel Export (Added columns)

    • Data Governance Stage

    • Data Governance Status

    • ATC Code (only available on ATC H&V)

  • Organisation Excel Export (Added columns)

    • Data Governance Stage

    • Data Governance Status

  • Substance Excel Export (Added columns)

    • Data Governance Stage

    • Data Governance Status


    • Updated Endpoints with Data Governance Stage and Status filters

  • General

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Database Enhancements

    • Security Patching

Version 21.4

Released on the 15th January 2022, this release contains:

  • Organisations

    • New Upsert List feature

    • New Status displayed on mapped organisations and locations

  • Referential

    • New Upsert List feature

    • New Status displayed on mapped terms.

  • General

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Database Enhancements

    • Security Patching

Version 21.3

Released on the 28th August 2021, this release contains:

  • Substances

    • Add, edit and export comments

  • Organisations

    • New SPOR OMS Change Request Feature

    • New Data Insight for Merged Organisations and Locations

    • Add, edit and export comments

  • Referential

    • NCA Edition: Translation Module - Accept all translations from mapped values.

    • Add, edit and export comments

  • API

    • SPOR

      • Add Normalise paramater to API endpoints

    • Source Substances

      • Post, patch and get comments

    • Source Organisations

      • Post, patch and get comments

    • Source Terms

      • Post, patch and get comments

  • General

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Database Enhancements

    • Security Patching

Version 21.1

Released on the 18th April 2021, this release contains:

  • Substances

    • EUTCT Human and Vet Targets Added

    • New Substance Interface for Source and Target

    • Restrict Substance matching to one or more target systems

    • Target Substance Search Updated: Search by any available name or identifier

    • New Substance API Endpoints

  • Referential

    • Target Referential Export File updated with Term description.

    • NCA Edition: Translation Module - Automatically create translation bulk upload file

  • API

    • Source Substance Endpoint Updated

    • Target Endpoints Grouped By System

    • SPOR

      • RMS Term Summaries Endpoint

      • RMS Domain Filter Added

      • RMS Favourites Filter Added

      • OMS Filter Favourite Orgs/Locs

    • EUTCT

      • EUTCT Substance Endpoint Added

  • General

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Database Enhancements

    • Security Patching

Version 20.4

Released on the 25th October 2020, this release contains:

  • Improved tag assignment

  • Improved dashboards by adding more graphs:

    • Tag count summary

    • Resolution status by country on the OMS dashboard

    • Data quality insights on the OMS dashboard

  • Enhanced term hierarchy view

  • Hierarchy view for hierarchical lists

  • Increased the amount of information displayed in grids, including: short names, symbols and parents

  • Improved RMS List translations

Version 20.1

Released on the 31st March 2020, this release contains:

  • Enhanced Data Insight Information

  • Enhanced Grid Filtering

  • SPOR OMS History and Comparison Module Added

  • SPOR RMS Target Lists (All Terms) page added

  • Tag Management Module Added

  • Enhanced Notifications

  • Target System Activity Module Added

  • Security Enhancements

    • Two Factor Authentication

    • IP whitelisting

    • Security Patching

Version 19.4

Released on the 24th November 2019, this release contains:

  • Dashboard And Graph Updates

  • Substance Module Added

    • G-SRS Substances

  • Enhanced Organisation And Location Matching

  • Data Insight Information Added

  • Enhanced Grid Filtering

Version 19.3.1

Released on the 19th August 2019, this release contains:

  • Database Enhancements

  • Security Patching

Version 19.3

Released on the 28th July 2019, this release contains:

  • EU-SRS (Project Team Release)

    • Bespoke: EU-SRS EUTCT to G-SRS Matching

    • Bespoke: EU-SRS Data Cleaning Module

  • G-SRS

    • New: G-SRS Substance Sync

Version 19.1.1

Released on the 17th March 2019, this release contains:

  • Auto Follow Favourites

    • New: Automatically select all matched organisations as favourites

  • SPOR RMS Improvements

    • New: Feature to show missing translations in SPOR RMS terms

    • New: SPOR RMS list detail page

Version 19.1

Released on the 10th February 2019, this release contains:

  • Source Data Import Improvements

    • New: Excel Import

    • New: Excel Template Files

    • New: CSV custom delimiter option

    • Improved: CSV Template Files

    • Improved: Data Format Error Checking

    • Improved: Error Handling

    • Improved: User Feedback on Error

Version 18.4.1

Released on the 16th December 2018, this release contains:

  • System performance improvements

    • Improved upload times for large files

  • API improvements and documentation

Version 18.4

Released on the 20th October 2018, this release contains:

  • System performance improvements

  • Resolution Status Updated

    • Maintain matched record option

  • Source List User Experience Improved

    • Dropdown with Type ahead search

    • Grid Paging issue resolved

Version 18.3

Released on the 21st July 2018, this release contained:

  • In App Data Management (add, edit, update)

  • Improved service for slow web connections

  • Improved notifications for on sync matching

  • API improvements

Version 18.2

Released on the 20th April 2018, this release contained:

  • Match at both Organisation & Location Level

  • Custom Match settings

Version 18.1

Released on the 20th January 2018, this release contained:

  • OMS added as a target

  • Match at Organisation Level

  • Dashboard Updated to include both RMS & OMS

Initial Release - Version 17.1

Released on the 23rd October 2017, this was the first Sporify release. It contained:

  • Importing source lists

  • Targeting RMS lists

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