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Release Notes

Version 2023.1.4.0

Tentative Release Dates:
Validation Environment: 14 September 2024
Production / Development Environment: 26 October 2024

Note: Release also contains various security enhancements.

Bug Fixes

SPRFY-1220: Updated date in Substances/Referentials/Organisations remains the same after updating the source list

Reported Issue: When a source list is updated via the Substances, Referentials, or Organisations source list areas of SPORIFY, “update date” and “update by” remain the same as “created date” and “created by”.

Solution: “Update date” now accurately reflects the relevant date of update, and “update by” now accurately records the individual who carried out the update in question.

Impacted Areas: Source List Operational Attributes

Regression Areas: Source List Operational Attributes

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-1221 and SPRFY-1223: Tag issue in Substances

Reported Issue: If deleted, the tag still remains assigned to the Substance. After tag deletion, the deleted tag cannot be unassigned. When a new tag is assigned along with a previously assigned deleted tag, an internal server error for the Substance is shown. The user is unable to unassign tags from Source Substances, as the unassigned tags return after refreshing the page.

Solution: Tags no longer remain assigned to a Substance when deleted. Users can also unassign tags from Source Substances, and those unassigned tags do not return when the page is refreshed.

Impacted Areas: Source Substances

Regression Areas: Source Substances, Target Substances

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-1224: Tags applied to an SMS Substance are not visible in the Tag Count Summary in the Substances Overview area

Reported Issue: When tags are applied to SMS Substances, they do not become visible in the Tag Count Summary area of Substances Overview in SPORIFY.

Solution: When tags are applied to SMS Substances, they now become visible in the Tag Count Summary area of Substances Overview.

Impacted Areas: Substances Overview

Regression Areas: Substances Overview

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-1239: No “Not Set” option to select for Substances Resolution Status

Reported Issue: In the Substances area, there is no “Not Set” option provided via the Resolution Status drop-down menu. This means that when a Resolution Status is selected, it cannot be removed.

Solution: A “Not Set” option is now provided via the Resolution Status drop-down menu.

Impacted Areas: Source Substances

Regression Areas: Source Substances

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-1456: SPOR OMS Sync to cross-check active Orgs and Locs against CSV

Reported Issue: Certain inactive Organisations and Locations are being incorrectly marked as active in SPORIFY.

Solution: The SPOR OMS sync will now cross-check active Organisations and Locations against CSV. This will prevent inactive Organisations and Locations from being incorrectly marked as active in SPORIFY.

Impacted Areas: Organisations, Locations

Regression Areas: Organisations, Locations

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-1472: G-SRS and SMS Substances counts on the SPORIFY dashboard do not match the Substances count on Target Substances

Reported Issue: The G-SRS and SMS Substances counts on the SPORIFY dashboard do not match the Substances count on Target Substances.

Solution: G-SRS and SMS Substances counts now accurately match the Substances count on Target Substances.

Impacted Areas: Dashboard

Regression Areas: Dashboard

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-1669: SPORIFY Val: Unable to export Source Substances after applying “Status” filter

Reported Issue: When a “Status” filter of Matched, Not Set, and/or Suggested is applied to Source Substances, an internal server error is shown upon attempting to export them. These same Substances are exportable as long as the “Status” filter is not applied.

Solution: Source Substances can now be exported when a “Status” filter is applied.

Impacted Areas: Source Substances

Regression Areas: Export Source, Export Source with GSRS, and Export Source with SMS

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-1670: Source Substances import times out

Reported Issue: Source Substances import times out for larger files

Solution: Source Substances import has been moved to a background job if number of records is greater than 100. User will get a notification once the background process is completed.

Impacted Areas: Source Substances, Import

Regression Areas: N/A

Impact on Configurations: N/A

Version 23.1.3

Tentative Release Dates:
Initial Release to Validation Environment: 25 May 2024
Subsequent Validation Releases: 30 June 2024, 26 July 2024, and 3 August 2024
Production / Development Environment: 31 August 2024

Release Walkthrough:


SPRFY-951: Data Insights: Logic and Text around Merged LOCs

Change Description: When ORGs/LOCs merge, now the data insight at the merged "disappearing" Organisation or Location reads "Archived merged Organisation" or "Archived merged Location".

Impacted Areas: Target Organisations

Regression Areas: N/A

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-1046, SPRFY-1047: Veeva Sync Enhancements

Change Description:

Merged IDs are now mapped to the surviving record.

Regarding the 'Limit Target included in Sync by Governance Status’ setting, the associated text is modified. If Governance is already off for all domains, this setting is greyed out, the tick box remains as previously set by the customer, and the value is read-only. If Governance is on for any domains, the setting is retained as previously set by the customer.

Regarding the ‘Limit Unmatched Data included in Sync by Resolution Status’ setting, it is now unchecked by default and the associated text is modified. When it is disabled, unmatched data is not included in the sync and blank data does not get sent back, but it continues to function as is when enabled. The Resolution Status requires at least one value to be selected, and a message is sent back to the user if they have not selected a value.

Regarding the Veeva Vault subdomain, user credentials are now authenticated against the vault subdomain. If authentication fails to occur, the user cannot Save until valid credentials are provided. Furthermore, validation has been added to the subdomain.

Regarding the Veeva Sync Configuration page, an information panel displays if one or more domains have Data Governance turned off, and the domain is listed as Active in the mapping configuration. The panel disappears when this is no longer applicable to the user.

Regarding Data Governance settings when Data Governance is turned off and Veeva Sync is enabled, the user is asked to confirm their action when they attempt to disable Data Governance for a domain. They are given the options to Save to continue, or Cancel to go back.

Impacted Areas: Veeva Sync, Import Functionality, Sync

Regression Areas: All Source Data

Impact on Configurations: Veeva Sync Configurations, Data Governance Settings

SPRFY-954: Bulk Update: Governance Status - Locations

Change Description: A new permission, Bulk Govern, is available in Data Governance for Organisations. The relevant action is available on the Source Organisations screen when Governance Required is switched on, the user has been granted the Bulk Govern permission for Locations, and a Data Governance Stage filter has been applied.

Impacted Areas: Target Locations

Regression Areas: Data Governance

Impact on Configurations: User Permissions

SPRFY-881: Usage Count When Deleting Governance Status

Change Description: When attempting to delete a Governance Status, user will be shown usage count of this status across Organisations, Substances, and Referentials

Impacted Areas: Governance Status

Regression Areas: All Target Domains

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-560: Data Governance and Resolution Workflow Trigger

Change Description: Ability for each admin to configure the sensitivity of when the Data Governance workflow is triggered based on Health Authority data changes. Currently, the Data Governance workflow is triggered if during a synchronisation the following data fields for a record are changed: Version and Status.

New option will be introduced to also consider other data fields for each data domain to allow admins greater control over when Data Governance is required for a given domain.

Also, the ability for each admin to configure the sensitivity of when the Auto Apply Resolution Status is triggered. Currently, the Auto Apply Resolution Status is triggered if during a synchronisation the following data fields for a record are changed: Version and Status.

List of fields per domain:​

Organisations: ORG ID, LOC ID, Organisation Name, Address (Any field), Organisation Identifiers, Location Identifiers​​

Substances: Substance ID, Substance Name (Preferred Term)

Referentials: Term ID, Term Name (EN), Term Description (EN), Domain​

Impacted Areas: Sync, Auto Governance Workflow, Auto Resolution Status Workflow, Sync Notifications

Regression Areas: All Target Domains

Impact on Configurations: General Settings

SPRFY-856: Mapping: Inform User When IDs are Invalid

Change Description: When the user opens the 'Edit Source Record' dialogue box, validation of the user-provided Org ID and Loc ID (in case of Organisations) and Term ID (in case of Referentials) will take place. Messages will be shown to the user in the event the IDs are invalid, or when the Loc ID does not belong to the Org ID.

Impacted Areas: Source Organisations, Source Referentials

Regression Areas: N/A

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-857: Mapping: Colour Coding for Matches - Organisations (Imported Mappings Only)

Change Description: Colour coding for the Organisation matches will be based on the text match, even if the mapping was done by an exact ID match.

Impacted Areas: Mapping Screen

Regression Areas: Match Types

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-902: Mapping: Colour Coding for Matches - Referentials (Imported Mappings Only)

Change Description: Colour coding for the Referentials matches will be based on the text match, even if the mapping was done by an exact ID match.

Impacted Areas: Mapping Screen

Regression Areas: Match Types

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-880: Block Deletion of Resolution Status Already In Use

Change Description: User will be unable to delete a Resolution Status if it is in use.

Impacted Areas: Resolution Status

Regression Areas: Source Data

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-444: Bulk Update: Data Governance Status for Organisations

Change Description: The ability for permitted users to bulk update the Governance Status for Organisations is now provided. A new permission, Bulk Govern, is available in Data Governance for Organisations. The relevant action is available on the Source Organisations screen when Governance Required is switched on, the user has been granted the Bulk Govern permission for Organisations, and a Data Governance Stage filter has been applied.

Impacted Areas: Target Organisations

Regression Areas: Data Governance

Impact on Configurations: User Permissions

SPRFY-905: Bulk Update: Data Governance Status for Substances

Change Description: The ability for permitted users to bulk update the Governance Status for Substances is now provided. A new permission, Bulk Govern, is available in Data Governance for Substances. The relevant action is available on the Source Substances screen when Governance Required is switched on, the user has been granted the Bulk Govern permission for Substances, and a Data Governance Stage filter has been applied.

Impacted Areas: Target Substances

Regression Areas: Data Governance

Impact on Configurations: User Permissions

SPRFY-904: Bulk Update: Data Governance Status for Referentials

Change Description: The ability for permitted users to bulk update the Governance Status for Referentials is now provided. A new permission, Bulk Govern, is available in Data Governance for Referentials. The relevant action is available on the Source Referentials screen when Governance Required is switched on, the user has been granted the Bulk Govern permission for Referentials, and a Data Governance Stage filter has been applied.

Impacted Areas: Target Referential Terms

Regression Areas: Data Governance

Impact on Configurations: User Permissions

SPRFY-446: Bulk Update: Resolution Status for Organisations

Change Description: The ability for permitted users to bulk update the Resolution Status for Organisations is now provided. A new permission, Bulk Update, is available in Source Elements for Organisations. The relevant action is available when the user has been granted the Bulk Update permission for Organisations.

Impacted Areas: Source Organisations

Regression Areas: Resolution Status

Impact on Configurations: User Permissions

SPRFY-784: Bulk Update: Resolution Status for Substances

Change Description: The ability for permitted users to bulk update the Resolution Status for Substances is now provided. A new permission, Bulk Update, is available in Source Elements for Substances. The relevant action is available when the user has been granted the Bulk Update permission for Substances.

Impacted Areas: Source Substances

Regression Areas: Resolution Status

Impact on Configurations: User Permissions

SPRFY-783: Bulk Update: Resolution Status for Referentials

Change Description: The ability for permitted users to bulk update the Resolution Status for Referentials is now provided. A new permission, Bulk Update, is available in Source Elements for Referentials. The relevant action is available when the user has been granted the Bulk Update permission for Referentials.

Impacted Areas: Source Referentials

Regression Areas: Resolution Status

Impact on Configurations: User Permissions

Bug Fixes

SPRFY-1288: Password reset prompt incorrectly displaying every time user tries to log in

Reported Issue: For users of tenants with Password Expiration configured, even after the user resets their password, they are still prompted to reset their password on each subsequent login attempt

Solution: We have removed the code which was causing this issue

Impacted Areas: Password Reset

Regression Areas: Password Reset

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-855: Mapping: ID Mismatch between Org ID and Loc ID

Reported Issue: A solution is required for the scenario in which there is a mismatch between an Org ID and Loc ID.

Solution: If the organisation associated with the provided Org ID is different to the organisation associated with the provided Loc ID, then the system should perform mapping based on the text that the user has provided, i.e. the organisation name and address.

Impacted Areas: Mapping

Regression Areas: Mapping

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-716 : Veeva: 'Add Source Item' is visible when clearing search criteria

Reported Issue: 'Add Source Item' option is visible when clearing search criteria in a read only Veeva list; applies to all of source lists

Solution: ‘Add Source Item’ option is no longer visible when clearing search criteria in a read only Veeva list

Impacted Areas: Veeva Source Lists

Regression Areas: N/A

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-853: Target and Source Substances page refreshes after Data Governance is updated

Reported Issue: Source and Target Substance pages refresh after Data Governance is updated; user then loses their place as pages scroll back to the top.

Solution: Page no longer refreshes.

Impacted Areas: Target and Source Substances

Regression Areas: N/A

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-447: Can’t Delete Source Substance

Reported Issue: When editing a source list for Substances, you can carry out the Delete action on a substance, but the substance is not subsequently deleted.

Solution: Deleted Source Substance will no longer be available on the Source List.

Impacted Areas: Source Substances

Regression Areas: Source Organisations, Source Referentials

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-448: Filter Target Substances Before Export

Reported Issue: Users should be told to apply a filter before exporting Target Substances.

Solution: When clicking Export on Target Substances, a message should appear that tells the user to apply a filter before exporting.

Impacted Areas: Target Substances

Regression Areas: Target Organisations

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-525: Referentials Mapping Status Overview is throwing an error

Reported Issue: An error is being thrown on the Referentials Mapping Status Overview panel.

Solution: User can view the Overview page without an error.

Impacted Areas: Referentials Overview Page

Regression Areas: Organisations and Substances Overview Pages

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-551: Organisations Mapping Status Overview is throwing an error

Reported Issue: An error is being thrown on the Organisations Mapping Status Overview panel.

Solution: User can view the Overview page without an error.

Impacted Areas: Organisations Overview Page

Regression Areas: Referentials and Substances Overview Pages

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-514: Export All extract contains data from deleted source lists

Reported Issue: Export All extract should not contain data from deleted source lists.

Solution: The user can no longer see data from deleted source lists.

Impacted Areas: Source Organisations and Source Referentials

Regression Areas: N/A

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-558: Export All button does not export all

Reported Issue: The Export All button exports only mapped source data for Organisations and Referentials, and the List Name is not included in the output for Organisations.

Solution: The Export All button should export all source records, whether they are mapped or not, and the List Name should be included in the output for Organisations.

Impacted Areas: Source Organisations and Source Referentials

Regression Areas: N/A

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-804: Include Inactive Organisations & Locations for Exact ID Matches

Reported Issue: Inactive Organisations and Locations are not included as part of the auto mapping process.

Solution: The system should include inactive Organisations and Locations as part of the auto mapping process, but only for exact ID matches.

Impacted Areas: Mapping (Exact/Imported ID Match Type)

Regression Areas: N/A

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-854: Include Non-current & Nullified RMS Terms for Exact ID matches

Reported Issue: Non-current & Nullified RMS Terms are not included as part of the auto mapping process.

Solution: The system should include Non-current and Nullified Terms as part of the auto mapping process, but only for exact ID matches.

Impacted Areas: Mapping (Exact/Imported ID Match Type)

Regression Areas: N/A

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-925: ATC code source list not exact matching due duplicate name across SPOR languages

Reported Issue: The ATC Code Target list can contain terms which have same name across multiple languages. If duplicate terms in multiple languages are provided, the system does not carry out the mapping, even if there is an exact match.

Solution: In this scenario, the system should map the record.

Impacted Areas: Mapping

Regression Areas: Referential Source Lists

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-803: Wrong duplicate insight for merged location in OMS

Reported Issue: Locations in OMS are being wrongly flagged with duplicate location insights.

Solution: After a merge occurs, the “survivor” location should no longer have the “duplicate location” data insight.

Impacted Areas: Data Insights

Regression Areas: Target Organisations and Locations

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-934: Issue in Export All Functionality in Referentials Source List

Reported Issue: When the user deletes all Referentials Source Lists, then clicks on the Export All button and verifies, an error message reading ‘An Internal Error Occurred During Your Request’ is displayed.

Solution: When there is no data without any error message, a blank Excel spreadsheet should be exported.

Impacted Areas: Source Referentials

Regression Areas: N/A

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-1306: Incorrect count displayed when performing bulk Data Governance on Organisations

Reported Issue: An incorrect count of Organisations being displayed when performing bulk Data Governance on Organisations

Workaround: Not Applicable

Impacted Areas: Target Organisations

Regression Areas: Data Governance

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-1303: Unable to set Data Governance Status in bulk for Archived Substances

Reported Issue: Unable to set Data Governance Status in bulk for Archived Substances

Workaround: User can search individual archived records, and perform Data Governance.

Impacted Areas: Target Substances

Regression Areas: Data Governance

Impact on Configurations: N/A


Reported Issue: Data Governance cannot be disabled for Substances once enabled

Solution: Data Governance can now be disabled for Substances once enabled

Impacted Areas: Source Substances

Regression Areas: Data Governance

Impact on Configurations: N/A

SPRFY-1287 and SPRFY-1302

Reported Issue: RMS Term History page crashes for some of the Referential terms resulting in an error message being show to the user 

Solution: the SPORIFY Sync consumed mismatched data in JSON and XML format being sent from the EMA SPOR API; have now applied logic to ensure appropriate consolidation of both sets of data (JSON and XML) as they come through from SPOR so that errors do not occur 

Impacted Areas: RMS Term History Page

Regression Areas: NA

Impact on Configurations: NA


Release Dates:
Validation Environment: Sunday, 14 April 2024
Production / Development Environment: Sunday, 28 April 2024

Bug Fixes

SPRFY-1038: Veeva Vault Authentication Issue

Reported Issue: Veeva Vault Authentication Issue

Solution: SPORIFY blocked login for Veeva Vault due to a side effect of Veeva authentication defaulting. As SPORIFY received a response from a Vault that was not specified, the login was blocked. We consulted Veeva and they recommended that this was due to Authentication Defaulting and that to resolve this that we should include the VaultDNS parameter to specify which Vault will generate a session with the subdomain specified only. Going forward, if the VaultDNS is valid Authentication will progress, however if the VaultDNS is invalid, SPORIFY will report Authentication Issue to the end user. 

Version 23.1.2

Release planned for 7 January 2024. This release contains:

  • Addition of a ‘Support’ permission for roles/users in Administration

  • Security enhancements

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements

  • Updates to Validation documentation

New Features and Enhancements

7828: Addition of a new ‘Support’ permission for roles / users under Administration

Change Description: Addition of a new ‘Support’ permission for roles / users under Administration. The Support menu will now only be visible to users with that permission enabled. This permission is enabled by default.

Impacted Areas: Product Support

Regression Areas: User Permissions

Impact on Configurations: Yes

List of Fixes

7707: Confirmation emails were not sending when an admin activates a user account

Reported Issue: Confirmation emails were not sending when an admin activates a user account

Solution: Confirmation emails are now sending when an admin activates a user account

Impacted Areas: User Account Activation

Regression Areas: User Confirmation email when creating a new user from application and SSO

Impact on Configurations: None

7789: 500 Error when clicking on previously used email account confirmation link

Reported Issue: Users were redirected to a 500 error page when clicking on a previously used email account confirmation link

Solution: Users are now redirected to the login page when clicking on a previously used email account confirmation link

Impacted Areas: User Confirmation email when creating a new user from application and SSO

Regression Areas: Forget Password / Reset Password link in the email

Impact on Configurations: None

7858: Target substance name was not showing in SMS field

Reported Issue: Target substance name was not showing in SMS field after being manually matched for certain substances

Solution: Target substance name is now showing

Impacted Areas: Substances Manual Mapping

Regression Areas: Organisation and Referentials Manual Mapping

Impact on Configurations: None

7888: Resolution Status hidden from view

Reported Issue: Resolution Status drop down was hidden by the footer, and all Resolution Statuses were not being displayed properly

Solution: Resolution Status is no longer hidden or obstructed

Impacted Areas: All Mapping Pages

Regression Areas: All Mapping Pages

Impact on Configurations: None

7933: Active / Inactive status now listed for Target Organisations

Reported Issue: Active / Inactive status not listed for Target Organisation

Solution: Active / Inactive status now listed for Target Organisations and each respective location

Impacted Areas: Target Organisation

Regression Areas: Target Referentials and Target Substances

Impact on Configurations: None

8321: API allowing data with the same ID to be added multiple times

Reported Issue: API was allowing data with the same ID to be added multiple times

Solution: API now returns duplicate ID error when data with the same ID is added multiple times

Impacted Areas: Source Terms API

Regression Areas: Source Organisation and Source Substances

Impact on Configurations: None

8422: Adding Governance Stage Filter to Substance Source List Terms API Query Causes Internal Error

Reported Issue: Adding Governance Stage Filter to Substance Source List Terms API Query Causes Internal Error

Solution: Adding Governance Stage Filter to Substance Source List Terms API Query doesn’t show any Internal Error now

Impacted Areas: Substance Source List Terms API

Regression Areas: Source Organisation Lists API, Source Referentials Lists API

Impact on Configurations: None

8515: RMS Term Description limit was being cut off after 500 characters

Reported Issue: RMS Term Description limit was being cut off after 500 characters

Solution: RMS Term Description limit has been increased

Impacted Areas: RMS Terms Detail Page

Regression Areas: RMS Terms History Page, RMS Terms History Page Export

Impact on Configurations: None

8594: Intermittent Loading of Veeva Sync Configuration Tab

Reported Issue: Data does not display in the drop downs in the Veeva Sync Configuration tab

Solution: Data in the Resolution Status fields and in the drop downs are now visible in the Veeva Sync Configuration tab

Impacted Areas: Veeva Sync Configuration Tab

Regression Areas: Mapping Configuration, Scheduled Sync, Job Log Tabs

Impact on Configurations: None

Version 23.1.1

Release planned for the 7th July 2023. This release contains:

  • Bug fixes and performance improvements


Release planned for the 6th May 2023. This release contains:

  • Veeva Integration enhancements

    • MEDRA Data synchronization

    • Veeva Query Language (VQL) filter expressions

    • Status attribute synchronization

  • SPOR guidance documentation

    • Access Referentials list documentation.

    • Subscribe notifications for all documentation (general and technical guidance) update events.

  • Security updates

Version 22.4

Release planned for the 10th December 2022. This release contains:

  • Single Sign On with*

    • Azure Active Directory

    • Okta

    • OneLogin

    • ForgeRock

  • Integration of email verification code for e-signatures when approving data governance records

  • Validation stage and documentation available for customers subscribed to validation tenant.

  • Bug fixes

*Feature is only available for Enterprise edition

Version 22.3.1

Release planned for the 22th October 2022. This release contains:

Bug fixes and performance improvements.

Version 22.3

Release planned for the 1th October 2022. This release contains:

  • Substances

    • Performance Improvements

  • Referentials

    • Referentials History Comparison Page

      • Compares current and previous version of RMS records*

    • RMS Change Request (Read Only)

      • Synchronisation of previously submitted change requests

    • Enhanced Export

  • Organisations

    • OMS Change Requests

      • Synchronisation of previously submitted change requests

  • Administration

    • Security

      • Session Idle Timeouts

      • Password History

      • Password Expiry

    • Authentication Logs

  • Other Enhancements

    • Target activity search enhancement (includes historical versions)

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Database Enhancements

    • Security Patching

*Full data history is not available from SPOR. SPORIFY will archive all available versions while synchronising for comparison purposes.

Version 22.2

Released on the 3rd July 2022, this release contains:

  • Substance Target Added

    • SPOR SMS Integration (via csv)

  • Veeva Integration

    • Job Log detail improvements

  • General

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Security Patching

Version 22.1.2

Released on the 22nd May 2022, this release contains:

  • Veeva Integration

    • Synchronsation Update

  • Data Governance

    • Bug fix

  • Change log

    • Bug fix

  • EU-SRS

    • Bug fix

Version 22.1.1

Released on the 8th May 2022, this release contains:

  • EU-SRS

    • Added Product Count Release

  • Notificatons

    • Bug fixes

  • Change log

    • Performance improvements

  • Veeva Integration

    • Performance improvements

    • Configuration updates

  • General

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Database Enhancements

    • Security Patching

Version 22.1

Released on the 3rd April 2022, this release contains:

  • Notificatons

    • Mapped Target Status Change

    • Auto Resolution Status change

    • Data Governance

      • Record(s) Ready to Review

      • Record(s) Ready to Approve

      • Record(s) Ready to Review again (on rejection)

  • Adminstrator Settings

    • Change Logs

    • Change Reasons (e-signature)

    • Match Settings

      • Auto Apply Resolution Status

    • Data Governance

      • Settings

      • Data Governance Status

    • Integrations

      • Veeva Vault

    • Organisation Units

  • Data Governance

    • Substances

    • Organisations

    • Referntials

  • Veeva Integration

    • Connect

    • Mapping Configuration

    • Sync Configuration

    • Manual Sync

    • Scheduled Sync

    • Job Log

  • Referential Excel Export (Added columns)

    • Data Governance Stage

    • Data Governance Status

    • ATC Code (only available on ATC H&V)

  • Organisation Excel Export (Added columns)

    • Data Governance Stage

    • Data Governance Status

  • Substance Excel Export (Added columns)

    • Data Governance Stage

    • Data Governance Status


    • Updated Endpoints with Data Governance Stage and Status filters

  • General

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Database Enhancements

    • Security Patching

Version 21.4

Released on the 15th January 2022, this release contains:

  • Organisations

    • New Upsert List feature

    • New Status displayed on mapped organisations and locations

  • Referential

    • New Upsert List feature

    • New Status displayed on mapped terms.

  • General

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Database Enhancements

    • Security Patching

Version 21.3

Released on the 28th August 2021, this release contains:

  • Substances

    • Add, edit and export comments

  • Organisations

    • New SPOR OMS Change Request Feature

    • New Data Insight for Merged Organisations and Locations

    • Add, edit and export comments

  • Referential

    • NCA Edition: Translation Module - Accept all translations from mapped values.

    • Add, edit and export comments

  • API

    • SPOR

      • Add Normalise paramater to API endpoints

    • Source Substances

      • Post, patch and get comments

    • Source Organisations

      • Post, patch and get comments

    • Source Terms

      • Post, patch and get comments

  • General

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Database Enhancements

    • Security Patching

Version 21.1

Released on the 18th April 2021, this release contains:

  • Substances

    • EUTCT Human and Vet Targets Added

    • New Substance Interface for Source and Target

    • Restrict Substance matching to one or more target systems

    • Target Substance Search Updated: Search by any available name or identifier

    • New Substance API Endpoints

  • Referential

    • Target Referential Export File updated with Term description.

    • NCA Edition: Translation Module - Automatically create translation bulk upload file

  • API

    • Source Substance Endpoint Updated

    • Target Endpoints Grouped By System

    • SPOR

      • RMS Term Summaries Endpoint

      • RMS Domain Filter Added

      • RMS Favourites Filter Added

      • OMS Filter Favourite Orgs/Locs

    • EUTCT

      • EUTCT Substance Endpoint Added

  • General

    • System Performance Improvements

    • Database Enhancements

    • Security Patching

Version 20.4

Released on the 25th October 2020, this release contains:

  • Improved tag assignment

  • Improved dashboards by adding more graphs:

    • Tag count summary

    • Resolution status by country on the OMS dashboard

    • Data quality insights on the OMS dashboard

  • Enhanced term hierarchy view

  • Hierarchy view for hierarchical lists

  • Increased the amount of information displayed in grids, including: short names, symbols and parents

  • Improved RMS List translations

Version 20.1

Released on the 31st March 2020, this release contains:

  • Enhanced Data Insight Information

  • Enhanced Grid Filtering

  • SPOR OMS History and Comparison Module Added

  • SPOR RMS Target Lists (All Terms) page added

  • Tag Management Module Added

  • Enhanced Notifications

  • Target System Activity Module Added

  • Security Enhancements

    • Two Factor Authentication

    • IP whitelisting

    • Security Patching

Version 19.4

Released on the 24th November 2019, this release contains:

  • Dashboard And Graph Updates

  • Substance Module Added

    • G-SRS Substances

  • Enhanced Organisation And Location Matching

  • Data Insight Information Added

  • Enhanced Grid Filtering

Version 19.3.1

Released on the 19th August 2019, this release contains:

  • Database Enhancements

  • Security Patching

Version 19.3

Released on the 28th July 2019, this release contains:

  • EU-SRS (Project Team Release)

    • Bespoke: EU-SRS EUTCT to G-SRS Matching

    • Bespoke: EU-SRS Data Cleaning Module

  • G-SRS

    • New: G-SRS Substance Sync

Version 19.1.1

Released on the 17th March 2019, this release contains:

  • Auto Follow Favourites

    • New: Automatically select all matched organisations as favourites

  • SPOR RMS Improvements

    • New: Feature to show missing translations in SPOR RMS terms

    • New: SPOR RMS list detail page

Version 19.1

Released on the 10th February 2019, this release contains:

  • Source Data Import Improvements

    • New: Excel Import

    • New: Excel Template Files

    • New: CSV custom delimiter option

    • Improved: CSV Template Files

    • Improved: Data Format Error Checking

    • Improved: Error Handling

    • Improved: User Feedback on Error

Version 18.4.1

Released on the 16th December 2018, this release contains:

  • System performance improvements

    • Improved upload times for large files

  • API improvements and documentation

Version 18.4

Released on the 20th October 2018, this release contains:

  • System performance improvements

  • Resolution Status Updated

    • Maintain matched record option

  • Source List User Experience Improved

    • Dropdown with Type ahead search

    • Grid Paging issue resolved

Version 18.3

Released on the 21st July 2018, this release contained:

  • In App Data Management (add, edit, update)

  • Improved service for slow web connections

  • Improved notifications for on sync matching

  • API improvements

Version 18.2

Released on the 20th April 2018, this release contained:

  • Match at both Organisation & Location Level

  • Custom Match settings

Version 18.1

Released on the 20th January 2018, this release contained:

  • OMS added as a target

  • Match at Organisation Level

  • Dashboard Updated to include both RMS & OMS

Initial Release - Version 17.1

Released on the 23rd October 2017, this was the first Sporify release. It contained:

  • Importing source lists

  • Targeting RMS lists

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