In SPORIFY, users can view and manage Substances Source Lists. They can carry out the following actions in this area:
Search lists
Filter lists
Download templates
Upload lists
View Substances
Edit lists
Update lists
Delete lists
Export lists
Add Substances
Login to SPORIFY.
Select Substances on the navigation menu.
Click Source Lists.
Substances Source Lists can be:
Searched using the search bar
Filtered using the advanced filters functionality
Uploaded using the Upload button
Viewed by clicking the cog icon, then View Substances
Edited by clicking the cog icon, then Edit
Updated by clicking the cog icon, then Update
Deleted by clicking the cog icon, then Delete
Exported by clicking the Export button
Substances can be added to source lists using the Add Substance button.
Source List templates can be downloaded using the Templates button
Select CSV or Excel
The template will then download directly to the user’s device
Note: Further details about the listed functionalities can be found in other related documentation.
To succeed, the user must be able to access and manage source lists via the Source Lists screen.
Verify that the Source Lists screen can be accessed via the navigation menu.
Verify that the user can download CSV and Excel templates via this screen.
Verify that the user can search, filter, upload, edit, delete, update and export lists.
Verify that the user can View Substances and Add Substances to lists.
Purpose of these GUI elements.
The purpose of these GUI elements is to enable the user to view and manage their Substances Source Lists.
Source Lists
Mockup of GUI Element
Menu item
Navigates to Substances Source Lists
Audit Trail
UC - Substances
FS - 442499577 - Substances
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