FS - 444040187 - Data Insights
In SPORIFY, data insights provide the user with further information about data matches that have been made.
Login to SPORIFY.
Viewing Referentials data insights:
Select Referentials on the navigation menu.
Select Source Lists.
Click on the desired List.
Where Data Insights are available, an information icon will be present in the Info column.
Hover over the icon to view the Data Insight.
Viewing Organisations data insights:
Select Organisations on the navigation menu.
Select Source Lists.
Click on the desired List.
Where Data Insights are available, an information icon will be present in the Info column.
Hover over the icon to view the Data Insight.
Viewing Substances data insights:
Select Substances on the navigation menu.
Select Source Lists.
Click on the desired List.
Where Data Insights are available, an information icon will be present at the right-hand side of the associated panel.
Hover over the icon to view the Data Insight.
Acceptance Criteria
To succeed, the user must be able to view data insights where available in SPORIFY.
Verify that data insights can be viewed by hovering over the information icon.
Related / Alternative Procedure
GUI Specification
Purpose of these GUI elements.
The purpose of these GUI elements is to enable the user to view data insights.
Mockups and Screenshots
UI Elements
Mockup of GUI Element | Title | Default | Enabled | Type | Data | Description |
Data Insights | N/A | Always | Interactive icon | String | When the user hovers over this icon, the associated Data Insights are shown |
Available Actions And Commands
Mockup of GUI Element | Title | Shortcut | Enabled | Type | Role/Permission | Action | Tooltip | Audit Trail |
Related Documentation and Sources