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FS - 527204493 - Password History


SPORIFY’s Configure Password History feature allows administrators to manage the password histories of their tenant’s users.

  • Administrators can enable and disable Configure Password History for their tenant.

  • When Configure Password History is enabled, administrators can set the number of passwords that may be saved in a user’s history.


  1. Login to SPORIFY.

  2. Select Administration on the navigation menu.

  3. Select Settings.

  4. Click on the Security tab.

  5. Navigate to the Configure Password History heading.

  6. To enable Configure Password History for your tenant, check the ‘Limit the number of passwords saved in a user’s history' checkbox.

    1. When this checkbox is checked, the ‘Maximum number of passwords’ field is presented.

    2. Using this field, add the maximum number of passwords that may be saved in a user’s history.

  7. To disable Configure Password History for your tenant, uncheck the ‘Limit the number of passwords saved in a user’s history' checkbox.

  8. Click Save All.

Acceptance Criteria

  • Verify that administrators can enable and disable the Configure Password History feature in the Settings area of SPORIFY Administration.

  • Verify that administrators can set the maximum number of passwords that may be saved in a user’s history in the Settings area of SPORIFY Administration.

  • Verify that in the ‘Maximum number of passwords’ field, administrators cannot set the maximum number of passwords to less than 1.

  • Verify that in the ‘Maximum number of passwords’ field, administrators cannot set the maximum number of password to more than 100.

  • Verify that the Configure Password History feature only affects users within the given administrator’s tenant.

  • Verify that the same password a user has utilised before does not count towards their maximum number of passwords count.

GUI Specification

Purpose of these GUI elements

The purpose of these GUI elements is to enable the administrator to manage Configure Password History settings for their tenant. These GUI elements allow the administrator to enable Configure Password History, disable Configure Password History, and set the maximum number of passwords that may be saved in a user’s history.

Mockups and Screenshots

Configure Password History Setting: Disabled

GUI Elements

Mockup of GUI Element







Limit the number of passwords saved in a user’s history





Used to enable/disable the Configure Password History setting for a given tenant

Maximum number of passwords


When ‘Limit the number of passwords saved in a user’s history' is True

Text field


Used to set the maximum number of passwords that may be saved in a user’s history

Available Actions And Commands

Mockup of GUI Element








Audit Trail

Save All




Administration - Settings

Saves presented configuration



Related Documentation and Sources

  • N/A

Specification References

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