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Installation Qualification 23.1.3 Validation


How to use this document

This document is based on a template which is designed to be applied to a wide variety of scenarios, including external customer validation. The template and scenarios included can be easily adapted for use in various situations. The following section contains additional definitions of terms used in this document as well as a Process Flow describing how the template is to be used during system validation.

Process Flow

The Installation Qualification document is created to provide the steps required to successfully deploy the Software. The Executor fills in the required information about the environment on the overview page. The validation test cases are executed, and the results are noted down in the “Results” column of the Test Case Table (Pass/Fail/Not Applicable), followed by comments if needed. In case of FAIL, findings shall be tracked within the comments section, all failures need to be resolved and this document needs to be executed again. Whether a FAIL is preventing from continuing the validation process and going into Production or not, will be determined by the System Owner. Once the script is fully executed, the overall result is recorded on the Validation Summary Page and the script is saved, printed as PDF, electronically signed, and securely stored.


  • The primary actor must have an AWS SSO access to SPORIFY environments.

  • The primary actor must have access to the relevant SQL scripts.

  • The primary actor must have a Visual Studio account linked with CorrIT set up.

Software Release (YY.V): 23.1.3

Software Installation Qualification for Environment

  • Development (DEV)
  • Quality Assurance (QA)
  • Production (PRO)

Server Host Name: Production AWS Beanstalk

Installation Date (2024-06-30):

Master Signatures

The Master Signatures section identifies each individual present and involved in the documented installation process. Each individual shall be identified by hand-written last name, first name, company and department/role as well as their signature in the following tabular overview. The Signature ID column shall be used as a unique identifier for the resource to allow easy references within subsequent parts of this documentation. Using personal initials as Signature ID is suggested.




@a user

CorrIT Ltd.

Development / Executor

@a user

CorrIT Ltd.

Development / Observer


Steps to perform

Expected Results

Not Applicable (N/A) / Pass / Fail



  • Click Sporify-v1-prod to expand

  • Click AdministratorAccess to go to Console Home

User is signed via SSO with according permissions.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

  • Click the region menu at the top right-hand side of the screen.

  • Select Europe (Frankfurt).

Region Select

The according region is selected.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

  • Select RDS.

  • image-20240525-091852.png
  • Select Databases on the left-hand navigation menu.

  • Check the relevant database.

  • Select Actions.

  • Click Take Snapshot.

  • image-20240525-092227.png

    Insert the snapshot’s name in the Snapshot name field.

  • Click the Take Snapshot button.

AWS Snapshot Creation

  • Note down the File Name of the Snapshot in the comment column.

Database snapshot is created.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

Validation Database was selected.

Snapshot name: sporify-validation-pre-23-1-3-release

  • Open Visual Studio.

  • Navigate to the relevant code in Visual Studio.

  • Click develop at the bottom right-hand corner of the screen.

  • Select the validation option.

  • Select the outgoing/incoming option on the right-hand panel.

  • Click the Pull icon.

Local Git Checkout in Visual Studio is up to date.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

  • Select the develop branch on the left-hand menu.

  • Select Merge ‘develop’ into ‘validation’.

  • Click the Yes button on the Source Control - Git modal.

Ensure the Validation Branch is not missing relevant changes.

In case of deviation, refer to the merge actions in SOP SOP - DEV-009/00 - Product Deploy.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail


Web Configuration

  • Ensure that all configurations are pointing to the stage specific database.

  • Note down stage specific database configuration in the comment column.

All configurations are pointing to the stage specific database.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

Used validation environment configuration

  • Select the SPORSync folder on the Solution Explorer.

  • Select SPORSync.

  • Select App.config.

  • Ensure that all configurations are pointing to the stage specific database.

  • Note down the stage specific database configuration in the comment column.

All configurations are pointing to the stage specific database.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

Used validation environment configuration

  • Click Build on the navigation bar.

  • Select Rebuild Solution.

  • Ensure that no issues are present.

No issues in the build process are displayed.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

  • Right-click on CorrIT.Sporify.Web.

  • Select Publish to AWS Elastic Beanstalk…

  • On the Publish to AWS Elastic Beanstalk modal, fill in the following fields:

    • AWS Credentials

    • Region

  • Select Redeploy to an existing environment.

  • Select the relevant stage environment.

  • Click Next.

AWS Elastic Beanstalk Modal

  • On the Application Options modal, click the Project build configuration drop-down menu.

  • Select “ReleaseIAny” CPU.

  • Click Next.

Application Options Modal

  • Click Deploy.

Review Modal

CorrIT.Sporify.Web is published without any errors.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

Used validation environment configuration

  • On the Package Manager Console, click on the Default project drop-down menu.

  • Select CorrIT.Sporify.EntityFramework.

  • Confirm web.config connection string has the correct database

Package Manager Console

  • Run update-database

Database code is updated without any errors.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

  • Right-click CorrIT.Sporify.SQLServer.

  • Click Schema Compare.

  • Use the second drop-down menu and choose Select Target.

  • Click Select Connection.

Schema Compare

  • Select Sporify.

  • Click the Connect button.

Schema Compare Connection Options

  • Click Ok.

  • Create new queries as necessary if any differences are present.

  • Ignore Full-test dialog, users, roles and schemas

No schema differences are displayed.

When differences appear, execute the specific SQL update scripts as defined in the next step.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

  • On the Object Explorer, select Databases.

  • Select Sporify-validation.

  • Click New Query.

  • Click Open File.

  • Select the script for the specific release.

  • Click Open.

SQL Script Selection

  • Click Execute.

Execute script

  • Repeat the process as required with any other relevant scripts.

  • Note down the File Name of each executed script in the comment column

Script runs without any errors.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

SQL script name:

Release 23.1.3.sql

  • Login to SPORIFY and complete a sanity check.

  • Please note down the Beanstalk Version in comments column

The version number is updated to the software version, all features and documentation pages are available.

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

Validation Summary

Summary / Results

Please provide a short summary of the results (e.g., script passed/failed without/with findings)

  • N/A
  • Pass
  • Fail

The steps was executed with a pass result

Definition of Terms

  • Release: The distribution of the final or newest version of a software application.

  • Snapshot: The state of a system at a specific point in time.

  • Deployment: All of the steps, processes, and activities required to make a software system or update available to users.

  • Schema Compare: A comparison of two database definitions.


  • SOP: Standard Operating Procedure

  • AWS: Amazon Web Services

Reference Documents

SOP - DEV-009/00 - Product Deploy

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